State laws prohibit a veterinarian from dispensing or prescribing legend (prescription) medications without prior examination of your animal and current knowledge of your animal’s health. State laws also prohibit a veterinarian from filling a prescription ordered by another veterinarian.
California Code of Regulations,Title 16 Section 2032.1, Business and Professions Code, Section 4051(a)
In-House Refill Requests
Moore Vet Care has a full-service and in-house pharmacy for pet medication, OTC and prescription diets. If you would prefer the convenience of online refills and delivery, please see our online pharmacy below.
We ask for a 48 hour notice prior to any refill. Please complete the Request a Refill Form and our staff will get to it as soon as possible. For any compounded or special order, longer than 48 hours may be needed, please plan ahead.
If there are any questions or concerns please give us a call or text.
Online Pharmacy

Please use our online store to have your prescriptions delivered directly to your home. Our store is secure, provides direct delivery, and has manufacturer backed products by ordering through us. Not only does this support our small business but if something goes wrong or if there is a recall, you and your pet are covered!
Controlled Substances
If you are requesting a controlled substance online please use VetSource. Controlled substances include but are not limited to, phenobarbital, tramadol, gabapentin, and proin.